Quiet matters to the health and well-being of all living things – helping children think and learn, helping us to be calm, thoughtful, and productive, encouraging civil, courteous interactions with others, and connecting us with nature.
Quiet communities are healthier communities
Quiet and natural soundscapes have become precious commodities. Leaf blowers, helicopters, motorcycles, and airplanes are just a few sources of noise that are imperiling public health. Quiet Communities works to address harmful noise because quieter settings are healthier for people and the environment.
Excess noise can harm health and the environment
Harm from noise, as affirmed by the American Public Health Association, is a public health crisis. Noise is known to cause severe cardiovascular impacts, to delay childhood development, to impact mental health, and to lead to metabolic diseases. When noise is excessive and causes harm, it needs to be addressed.
Working together for a quieter world
We strive for quieter, cleaner communities with thriving businesses, vibrant, inclusive neighborhoods, healthy residents, and abundant ecosystems that foster good health and well-being for everyone.
Quiet Coalition
Stay up to date on the latest news
It's now official: noise is unwanted and/or harmful sound
Starting about five years ago, in lengthy email discussions with colleagues at the Quiet Coalition, we formulated a revised definition: “noise is unwanted and/or harmful sound.”
Growing momentum towards quieter, cleaner land care
There are good reasons to move away from gas-powered leaf blowers and other fossil fuel-powered equipment. They generate loud noise and emit ozone-forming exhaust and fine particulates, proven to be harmful to our health.
The Distress Caused by Noisy Neighbors
As the member of the GrowNYC Board of Directors who responds to New York City noise complaints, city residents often reach out to me for help dealing with their noisy neighbors.
Flying Airplanes Lower May Help Climate Change
A recent report from CBS News discusses research showing that airplanes can reduce contrails by flying lower. Some research indicates that contrails, the white plumes following high-flying jets, may account for as much as 35% of the aviation industry’s climate impact.
As seen in:
Together, We Can Change Course
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