Black and white portrait of a man in a suit smiling.


Paul Barach MD, MPH, Maj (ret.) is an academic scientist, and practicing board-certified in Anesthesia and Critical Care. He is a Clinical Professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine and Children’s Hospital of Michigan, and Faculty at the Jefferson College of Population Health where he teaches in the Masters program on safety, quality and improvement sciences. Paul has more than 25 years of experience as a practicing physician, Chief Medical and Quality Officer, and consultant to academic and community medical centers and integrated delivery systems. He is a formally trained health services researcher, with advanced post graduate training in advanced medical education and assessment methods from the Harvard Medical School Josiah Macy Program medical education, lean six sigma, quality improvement and lean techniques at Intermountain Healthcare. He has had additional training in epidemiology and statistics including both methodological as well as applied HTA research. Prior to that he spent 5 years in the military and was involved in team training, leadership and simulation work. He has published more than 300 scientific papers and 5 books.