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Neelakshi Hudda, PhD, is Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tufts University. Dr. Hudda has over 15 years of research experience in urban air pollution with a particular focus on transportation-origin emissions and ultrafine particulate matter. Before entering her current role in 2017, she trained as a post-doctoral Research Associate at Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA researching the impacts of aviation emissions on ground-level air quality and published the seminal work on the long downwind spatial range of the impacts of aviation and airport emissions on ultrafine particles. That significant discovery is recognized for its implications for the exposure and health of millions who reside near airports in large cities. She has over 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers and published a series of research articles identifying and quantifying the impacts of airport-origin emissions on ambient air quality, residential indoor air quality and health effects associated with these emissions in communities near airports.