Guiding Communities in Pursuit of a Quieter Life

Quieter Neighborhoods = Better Quality of Life

A Certified Quiet Community is a place where residents understand and have addressed harmful noise to make way for the sounds of neighbors greeting one another, children playing, birds singing, and wind rustling treetops. To help communities get there, Quiet Communities has developed a program called Quiet Certification, a three-level, data-driven process to engage residents, town leaders, businesses, and organizations in recognizing noise problems and then finding achievable solutions. 

Beginning with a survey to assess community noise priorities, Quiet Certification guides towns in educating citizens, staff, and local institutions and organizations about the hazards of noise and the benefits of quiet. Driven by data, communities become aware and can make changes to moderate noise levels and create a cleaner, healthier place for everyone/all citizens/residents to live.


  • Bronze level

    Level one of certification – communities complete application, sign a Resolution, form a committee of key stakeholders, survey residents, and then fulfill the minimum requirements to participate in the CQC program.

  • Silver level

    Level two certification – municipalities demonstrate program leadership around quiet. Guided by the committee, leaders of government departments, staff, and other associates understand the program and the goals, the hazards/benefits of noise and quiet, respectively, and have completed minimum requirements at this level indicated in the Resolution.

  • Gold level

    Level three certification – municipalities, local organizations, schools, businesses, and other institutions are educated/informed about the program, the hazards/benefits of noise and quiet, respectively, and have completed minimum activities required at this level as indicated in the Resolution. At this level, there is national recognition of the municipality announced at an annual conference of participating communities.

Together, We Can Change Course

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    Add your voice. Let’s raise awareness about the need to address noise and polluting emissions.